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Highs and lows. Ebbs and flows. Comfort and discomfort. Ease and challenge.

No matter who you are, what you do, or where you are, this is the reality of life.

Over the past month, I’ve been speaking with (and primarily listening to) a variety of architects:

  • individuals who aspire to run their own practice
  • individuals who run their own practice
  • and individuals who help others improve their practices

They have all been incredibly open, honest, and raw in sharing their struggles, challenges, and triumphs.

And they all are striving to be better and do more in order to reach that pinnacle of success.

But what if we have all that we need, right here, right now?

This is what I would love for you to remember. Because it’s true.

You are enough. You have all that you need.

Deep below the layers of shoulds, coulds, woulds, you are waiting to shine through.

And that is all you need.

You need to remind yourself of this, consistently and regularly.

Because it’s far too easy to be your own worst enemy.

One way I do this is to watch this short video of excerpts from Jim Carrey’s commencement speech at Maharishi University:

Every time I time I watch it, emotions flow and it brings me back to my center.

Watch this. Use it as your tool, too. Or find another way.

But remember to recenter yourself on the scale of this moment, the scale of life, and the scale of the world. As Michael Singer puts it in The Untethered Soul:

Remember that you’re spinning on a planet in the middle of space.

Be kind to yourself today, and let that shine on others.