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If you feel held back by the ‘starving artist’ mentality, this episode is for you.

Jacquette Timmons is a brilliant financial behaviorist that supports entrepreneurs–including architects and designers–make better choices around money. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs design their businesses to align with their personal life aspirations. (And she has immensely helped me!)

With over 20 years experience working with individuals across the wealth spectrum, she helps people embrace and define their financial success beyond just dollars and cents.

In this interview Jacquette shares more on:

  • Why the 1987 financial crash was pivotal to her career path
  • How getting paid $10,000 for 4 hours work transformed her mindset on value
  • What factors beyond time you should use to calculate your rates

If you take away one thing from the interview, it should be her infectious optimism on how money can and should support you.

Listen now:

Show Notes:

Follow Jacquette Timmons on:

Download her free Finanical Wheel activity & e-course

If you’re seeking more support and guidance on defining your unique value, I will be running my 5-week signature program in early 2018. It helps you home in on your ideal client and turning your unique talents into offers, and then start sharing it with the people you want to work with.

Join the waitlist for 2018!