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Think back to when you first discovered social impact design. Your head buzzed with excitement. You enthusiastically told your friends, family and anyone with a willing ear about this new area of work you want to dedicate yourself to. You Googled (or even dug through the–gasp!–library records) to research people, projects, theory, and history on it. You read magazines, books, blogs, anything you could get your hands on about it.

But that just whet your appetite.

You decided to take the plunge and do the work. You found an organization with people as passionate as you to volunteer nights and weekends. Deep inside, you felt you’d found your calling.

Then the moment came when your passion began to wane. Time and energy was drying up. “How can I do this full time?”, you questioned.

I’ve been there, too.

Five years ago I was at that point. Frustrated, impassioned, and energized, I sat outside with my husband on a warm autumn evening listing options on how to make a full time career in social impact design.

After six months saving money, gathering courage, and leveraging support from mentors, friends and family, I took the plunge.

Five years on, I’ve started two organizations, run two blogs, hosted a dozen workshops, served on an architecture charity board, juried numerous competitions, and managed to create a financially sustainable career in social impact design.

Through the expertise shared by countless entrepreneurs and designers, I created a career that allows me to explore, create and contribute to the field.

Let’s open up the discussion.

Now I’d like to pay it forward by answering your questions on the field. What burning question do you have that you can’t find an answer to? I’m 100% certain you are not alone in thinking about it. Write it in the comment box below and click “post comment”. I’ll do my best to answer each and every one.