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If you feel drowned in marketing, blogging, and social media, return to your story.

As public school teacher turned content strategist, M. Shannon Hernandez has been teaching people of all ages reading and writing for 20 years. “People love stories,” she remarked during our conversation on communicating with authenticity, ease and joy.

Stories are the starting block for connecting to one another – whether it’s a friend on the playground or a dream client in a meeting. This is exactly Shannon’s focus when supporting leaders who want to create thriving businesses.

Through her work with hundreds of adults and children, she knows how to make communications and marketing fun and joyful.

In this interview, Shannon shares more on:

  • Who she hired to help her transition from 8th grade teacher to content consultant in just 6 months
  • Why it’s crucial to think beyond just getting content published
  • How she worked with passive house architects on increasing their profile with stories

Listen now:

Show Notes

Identifying the uniqueness you want to showcase through your stories and that you offer the world is essential to impactful work – and this is what I want you to tap into.

Read more about my 1-to-1 Career Roadmapping Program and book your discovery call